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EZ-VPNGate is a free comprehensive open-source app that features an easier way to connect to VPNGate, a free public VPN relay servers hosted by volunteers. As an open-source software, EZ-VPNGate removes your worrisome problems about sniffing packets on your android devices via VPN Connections.--------------------------------Some of key features: - Get and connect to VPNGate fast and securely in a single app. - Save your favorite VPN with Favorite List. - Manage the apps which could connect through VPN. - Easy to learn and use with intuitive/responsive UI. - Automatically start VPN on start-up. - Automatically reconnect to last VPN on network change or disconnection. - Support opening VPN through 3rd party app. - Easy to search your VPN with Filtering. Filter parameters are saved so you won't have to do it next time! - Share your VPN to your friends.--------------------------------Note: some chinese guys can get "No server found" error. It's caused by your ISP blocked VPNGate API. I'm going to work to resolve this as soon as i can.